Monday, May 18, 2009

What is/was the oldest animal ever?

: oldest animal ever

Why: Maddie's birthday is coming up. She's gonna be 5!

Answer: A clam named Ming, found in 2006 (already dead) in a seabed north of Iceland, lived to be 405. Scientists aged the 3.4 in clam from its shell, which - like trees - has a layer or ring of growth for every year that the animal has been alive. Each ring is as thin as .1 mm thick. RIP, Ming the clam:
Source: Telegraph

The More You Know: Here are some other oldest animals:
  • Tortoise: 188
  • Fish, lake sturgeon: 154
  • Mammal, bowhead whale: 130
  • Human, Jeanne Calment: 122
  • Macaw, 106
  • Elephant, 78
  • Horse, 62
  • Japanese salamander, 55
  • Herring gull, 49
  • Bat, 32
  • Dog, 24
  • Rabbit, 18