Search: the four bile
Why: Marcel said The Smiths are great because everyone needs a little melancholy in his life (even though I called them "pretty goddamn melodramatic," not melancholy).
That word comes from Greek melas, "black" + khole "bile."
Medieval physiology attributed depression to excess of "black bile," a secretion of the spleen and one of the body's four "humors."(Also, the name Chloe comes from the word for the greenish-yellow color of bile, too.)
Answer: First, they are outlined the Hippocratic Corpus as a way to balance bodily fluids.
They are!
- Yellow bile! (gall bladder)
- Black bile! (spleen)
- Phlegm! (brain/lungs)
- Blood! (liver)
- Yellow bile: Summer; hot & dry
- Black bile: Autumn; cold & dry
- Phlegm: Winter; cold & moist
- Blood: Spring; hot & moist
- Yellow bile: Fire; too much fire made a person choleric
- Black bile: Earth; too much earth made him melancholic
- Phlegm: Water; too much water, phlegmatic
- Blood: Air; too much air, sanguine
- Yellow bile: Red-haired, thin
- Black bile: Sallow, thin
- Phlegm: Corpulent
- Blood: Red-cheeked, corpulent
- Yellow bile: Ambitious, bad tempered, vengeful violent
- Black bile: Despondent, introspective, irritable, sentimental, sleepless
- Phlegm: Calm, cowardly, unemotional, pallid, sluggish
- Blood: Amorous, generous, happy, hopeful, responsible
Source:, Wikipedia,
The More You Know: They also have suggested modern equivalents, as well as Myers-Briggs types:
- Yellow bile: Idealist; NF (intuition-feeling)
- Black bile: Guardian; SJ (sensing-judgment)
- Phlegm: Rational; NT (intuition-thinking)
- Blood: Artisan; SP (sensing-perception)