Monday, June 8, 2009

What happened to Channel One News?

: channel one

Why: We used to watch it every day during 5th period of middle school. The first day of 7th grade, I looked up when I heard, "This is Lisa Ling in Beijing" (because it rhymed, lol). Gotham Chopra was also an anchor. Chopra recruited Ling's sister Laura to work for Current TV, the network she was reporting for when she got caught, tried, and sentenced to 12 years of hard labor in North Korea.

Answer: OMG it still exists! And since I was in 8th grade (1996-97), other anchors have included Maria Menounos, Anderson Cooper, and Ryan freaking Seacrest. Check listings at your local junior, middle, or high school.


The More You Know: They used to report "live from the Hacienda," but they don't do that anymore. Oh well. Apparently it was just a Hollywood studio, anyway.