Friday, December 10, 2010

Who played Danny in "The Shining"?

: the shining

Why: I am listening to the audiobook, but I have never seen the movie. The kid is supposed to be 5, but I keep picturing him being way older. Sadie is 4 and 5/6ths, and though she runs her mouth quite a bit, I can't really imagine her saying some of this stuff just yet.

Answer: Danny Lloyd! He was born in January 1973, and that film came out in May 1980, so maybe he was a bit older during filming, like 6 or 7.

Oh, he was. On Wikipedia:
He was selected for the role due to his ability to maintain his concentration for extended periods of time. In the DVD commentary by Garrett Brown and John Baxter, they state that Kubrick was able to film all of Lloyd's scenes without the six-year-old actor realizing he was in a horror movie.
He looked like this:
He only has one other credit, as Young Liddy in Will: The Autobiography of G. Gordon Liddy (1982).

Source: IMDb

The More You Know: Whoa wait, look who is Lemondrop / TMZ's "All Growed Up" of the day...
Danny Lloyd, now 37 years old, was at the Fright Night Film Fest last year, looking brave.

Danny is now a science teacher.
What are the odds? Do I have the shining?