Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Did someone really propose in the food court of the CNN building?

: cnn food court

Why: On Facebook:
Edie - Were you eating in the food court when Train helped the guy propose to his girlfriend?
Rebecca - no!! I think it happened Sunday because I had no idea!! I wish I had been!!
Edie - Eric knows a guy who was sitting and eating in the back ground of the clip that was on and works there.
At first, I thought they were talking about this food court marriage proposal, which I saw on the Internets around Valentine's Day and then on ABC News this morning:
Answer: Yep! It was a soldier, and he had the band Train sing the song "Marry Me" to help him out. WHAT! At 8:48 -


The More You Know: All this talk of public proposals is making me thirsty.