Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What is Montjuïc Castle?

: castle montjuic

Why: On p. 36 of The Shadow of the Wind, Daniel asks:
Is it true that during the war people were taken to Montjuïc Castle and were never seen again?
Answer: Castell de Montjuïc is a fortress that has been at the top of Montjuïc hill in Barcelona since the 17th century. It shelled parts of the city and served as a prison, often holding political prisoners, until the time of General Franco. The castle was also the site of numerous executions. In 1897, an incident popularly known as Els processos de Montjuïc prompted the execution of anarchist supporters, which then lead to a severe repression of the workers' struggle for their rights. On different occasions during the Spanish Civil War, both Nationalists and Republicans were executed there, each at the time when the site was held by their opponents. The Catalan nationalist leader Lluís Companys i Jover was also executed there in 1940, having been extradited to the Franco government by the Nazis. It looks like this:

Source: Wikipedia

The More You Know: Montjuïc is translated as "Hill of the Jews" in medieval Catalan, or it might be related to the Latin phrase Mons Jovicus ("hill of Jupiter").