Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Who owns the letters in the Hollywood sign?

: hollywood sign

Why: On Conan's first LA show, he stole the D.

Answer: The sign is protected and promoted by the Hollywood Sign Trust, a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to physically maintain, repair and secure the sign, to educate the world about its historical and cultural importance, and to raise the funds necessary to accomplish these projects. Following a1978 public campaign to restore the sign (originally constructed in 1923), the following donors gave $27,777 each: Source: Wikipedia

The More You Know: The original sign said HOLLYWOODLAND to advertise a housing development at the base of the hill. Each letter was 50 ft tall, 30 ft wide, and studded with 4000 lightbulbs. "LAND" was removed in 1949 when Hollywood and Los Angeles took over repairs and reconstruction, and the lightbulbs were not replaced. The sign then reflected the Hollywood community, not just the Hollywoodland housing development.
After the H was destroyed, an O collapsed, and another O fell over, Alice Cooper led the campain for the sign's 1978 restoration and replacement with a more permanent structure. The new letters, made of steel, are 45 ft high and range from 31 to 39 ft wide. The new version of the sign was unveiled on Hollywood's 75th anniversary, November 14, 1978.